Mission Experience to Mexico

May 20 - June 2, 2025

Get ready for an adventure in Mexico City where you will work alongside Divine Word Missionaries and Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters to serve people in need by offering compassion and a sign of God’s love for them.. Apply today! 

Join Fr. Anthony Cong Nguyen, SVD, as he leads a group of volunteers supporting Divine Word Missionaries in daily ministries in Mexico City. Activities may include:

  • Visiting schools and chapels
  • Distributing supplies to Indigenous communities in the State of Hidalgo
  • Parish maintenance
  • Visiting the Basilica de Guadalupe and San Juan Diego as well as Grutas Tolantongo

Program Goals

The program familiarizes participants with the Church's missionary efforts. Attendees will engage in daily tasks with the Divine Word Missionaries, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, and other individuals dedicated to mission work. They will also develop a unique insight into the Mexican language and culture.


May 20 - June 2

May 20:                   Arrival and Orientation  
May 21 - June 1:    Mission Mexico
June 2:                    Return to the States


Airfare plus approximately $400, which covers housing, meals and in-country transport

Optional Donations

Participants are invited to bring gifts and candy for children and to provide funds for the supplies needed for a catechism classroom.


St. Santiago de Anaya Parish will host volunteers at the parish rectory. The accommodations are simple yet sufficient. Two people will share a room, but there will be separate beds. If there is a large group of volunteers, other housing arrangements will be made. Meals are provided using funds contributed by participants. Evenings will be dedicated to sharing experiences and engaging in discussions about the Church’s missionary work with fellow volunteers and missionaries.

Participation Criteria

The Mission Experience trip is planned principally with Catholics in mind, but can accommodate people of other faiths under special circumstances. In addition, those wishing to participate must:Basilica-de-Guadalupe.jpg

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Have a passport to travel outside the country
  • Be physically able to participate in some manual labor (painting, carrying up to 40 lbs. etc)
  • Have health insurance or purchase insurance
  • Sign a liability waiver

Apply Today!

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Len Uhal
Divine Word College Seminary
PO Box 380
Epworth, IA 52045

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