Discernment is a personal journey asking God to reveal His plan for your life.

Discernment is about sifting through the “noise” of everyday life, and the often negative and contrary distractions that come with it, to find the gentle invitation from God, His call. Your call may be to married life. Or perhaps you are called to single life. Yours may also be a call to the priesthood or religious life.

A Life-Long Process of Discernment

To aid you in your discernment:

  • Pray
    Sit in silence. Reach out with your thoughts and be open to God’s gentle voice or heart-felt message. Do you hear His call? Do you feel a yearning to be part of His plan and to do His will?
  • Self Reflection
    Self reflection is critical. Ask yourself questions. How strong is your Catholic faith? Do you feel the need to help others? Do you feel physically and mentally prepared for the rigors of religious life? Do you relate well with others, especially those from other cultures?
  • Think of Your Talents and Skills.
    Can they benefit others? Can they address needs in the Catholic Church? By sharing them with others, can you do your part to make the lives of God’s children a little bit better?
  • Talk with People You Trust
    Sometimes God talks to us through our friends and family members. How often have you talked with someone and they offer a thought or insight that never occurred to you before? How many times have you been able to talk through a problem with a friend…sometimes without them even saying a word?
  • Seek Spiritual Direction
    Seek spiritual direction from someone who is qualified, such as a priest, brother or sister, to help you on your spiritual journey exploring God’s presence in your life.
  • Enter Religious Formation
    Religious formation is a program for those who feel that God may be calling them to religious life. Formation helps you to understand what a religious vocation is all about and to gain insight into unique aspects of a religious community.

Discernment is not a one-time thing. It is a life-long process, one of constant and consistent connection with our Lord. It is a personal and spiritual journey on a path with many twists and turns. Through thoughtful prayer, a dedicated spiritual life and trust in God, discernment helps guide us in the right direction, to discover and respond to God’s will.

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